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Decentralized finance focused on Stake, Yield Farming & NFTs on BNB Chain

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Labswap Ecosystem: A decentralized exchange and automated market maker (AMM) system on the BNB Chain. Our ecosystem is designed to offerering stake, yield farming, NFTs, coding, and marketing solutions. Our goal is to integrate other projects into our ecosystem, providing users with opportunities for stake and yield farming

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ECOLAB Whitepaper

Contract address: 0x25331ba95a10375b765c0e2614e48621a1357d00

  • ECOLAB is a decentralized finance (DeFi) token that operates on the Binance Chain (BEP-20). We’ve merged LAB and FLASK into a new single token called ‘$ECOLAB Labswap ECOsystem’ to facilitate better integration within the Labswap ecosystem. Our staking and other DeFi features will enhance the demand and reduce the supply, while also fostering value growth through staking and NFTs. Through our yield farm, you will be able to maximize the benefits from your $ECOLAB.
  • Token name: LAB ECOsystem
  • Token symbol: ECOLAB
  • Maximun supply: 6,000,000,000
  • Total supply: 5,760,000,000
  • Network: BNB Chain [BSC]
  • ● 25% Merge LAB and FLASK :. 1,500,000,000
  • ● 25% for Liquidity :. 1.500,000,000
  • ● 20% Block Algorithm :: :. 1,200,000,000
  • ● 20% Exchanges listing :. 1,200,000,000
  • ● 10% Marketing :. 600,000,000
  • LabScientistDAO NFT Collection

    LabScientistDAO is an NFT collection of 555 unique pieces hand-drawn powered by Labswap Ecosystem. Your LabScientistDAO is also your membership pass to vote and make decisions. Those who own our NFTs will have the power to vote and decide what will be our next moves. Buy now an NFT from our collection and get an AIRDROP of our new token $ECOLAB for 70% of the value of the acquired NFT.

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    Labswap Ecosystem Roadmap


    • -New Website
    • -Merge LAB and FLASK into a new single token (ECOLAB)
    • -Smart contract verification
    • -Audit $ECOLAB


    • -$ECOLAB Launching
    • -Upgrade our DeFi Hub with new features
    • -Get Listed on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko


    • -Provide marketing and code solutions
    • -Integrate Stake pool and Yield Farming for third-party projects
    • -DAO Governance is completely turned over to the community
    • -Vote and give to the community the power to take decisions about the next integrations in our ecosystem


    • -Central/Decentralized Exchange Listings to Increase Further Adoption
    • -Events for the community
    • -Multiple chain integration

    Frequently Questions

    What is the difference between staking and farming?

    Staking in Stake Pools and farming with Yield Farming are both ways to earn more ECOLAB by supporting Labswap. Staking only needs some ECOLAB tokens to be added to a STAKE Pool to earn LAB or other tokens. Learn more about Stake Pool staking.

    Farming is more complicated and needs LP Tokens to earn LAB.

    When will you open more pools?

    New Pools are added to Labswap soon. There will always be an announcement before the launch of new pools. Join the announcements Telegram group to learn about new Pools as early as possible.